Business Challenge.

Beaumont Health is a leading regional hospital system with a commitment to patient-centered care.  When patients leave their clinicians’ offices, they often forget or misplace most of the information they just received. Many topics can be complex, or potentially frightening, when information is delivered in a print format. Generic videos are available, but Beaumont has their own individual protocols and procedures. Coordinating schedules with doctors and practitioners alike, was almost as complex as the subject matter, but we were determined to make it work.


RI’s comprehensive production workflow made it possible to take complex subjects and create simple custom content on a wide variety of topics. We wrote the scripts while collaborating with members of the internal teams at Beaumont to ensure their accuracy. We produced and shot the videos with our own equipment and crew. Our in-house team edited and provided animations to clearly present the information — ultimately providing custom content based on the hospitals’ individual procedures and protocols while building the Beaumont brand.


These videos have helped to reduce complications by providing critical pre-op and post-op instructions in a simple and compelling way. Additionally, they have served as educational resources on subjects like Juvenile diabetes and a Heart Check program for student athletes.